Sales Coaching

Sales coaching is performed by a qualified expert and involves the coaching and/or counseling of a Sales Representative or a potential Sales Representative on how to sell more effectively and efficiently.

The focus is usually on the sales process and/or the most common behaviors of effective Sales Representatives:

1. Researching
2. Prospecting
3. Targeting
4. Writing Proposals
5. Approaching
6. Interviewing
7. Demonstrating/Presenting
8. Validating
9. Negotiating/Handling Objections
10. Closing
11. Rapport Building
12. Time Management
13. Territory Management
14. Post-Sale Techniques
15. Telephone Skills

Step One: The process begins with an objective assessment (most often, a Personality Profile or a Prevue Assessment), an interview (on the phone or face-to-face), and a self-assessment. These tools help to pinpoint areas for focus and improvement.

Step Two: The coach analyzes the data, helps the individual set specific, behavioral goals, and sets up face-to-face and tele-coaching sessions. Each month there can be three or four 30 to 60 minute tele-coaching sessions, pick-me-up calls at any time, and unlimited e-mails.

The coach may also accompany the participant on sales calls to observe and offer on-the-job feedback and suggestions. The coach may also visit the participant’s office to help with organization issues, office management, and/or paperwork.

Step Three: The coach provides relevant questions, suggestions, recommendations, direction, monitoring techniques, resources, etc. on a weekly basis, focusing on the participant’s goals, which may include the following:

  • Compensation enhancement; increasing your closing percentage.
  • Time and territory management; working smarter, not harder.
  • How to ask the ?right? questions; probing techniques.
  • How you come across; seeing yourself clearly.
  • The words you use (language, articulation); telling the truth; how you say it.
  • How to get instant rapport physically, emotionally, and psychologically.
  • How to develop strong relationships with key people.
  • How to ask for qualified referrals.

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